An Explosion of Flavor

This is probably one of my very favorite cookie doughs ever!
I'm just minding my own business. Looking through Pinterest when I see this picture of the #mostdeliciousmouthwateringcookies I've ever seen. I follow the link to a blog where to my surprise I have all of the ingredients. Luckily, my mom had brought me over coconut oil – I can't recall exactly why. I've used it for a few things; moisturizer for my hair and popcorn.
I was so excited to get to try the coconut oil in these cookies but even more excited to use my Kitchen Aid Mixer. I thought I'd use it way way way more than I do. At least it always 'looks cute.'
Here is the recipe:


Sweet Friends

I was so excited to have friends over to play! I got to use my new Christmas plates. It’s always fun to start off a play date with some chocolate chip muffins right?!

These girls had so much fun running around in their capes 🙂

I enjoyed talking to Mommy and her baby girl too!