October’s Crisp Air

I am sitting here at Fourteen Eighteen Coffee House enjoying this beautiful weather just thankful for this break.

I put both the kids in a Mother's Day out program on Tuesdays so that I could work another day! This week I had a cancellation and am enjoying sometime to think. I always laugh because God always seems to have a way of knowing when I can handle things and when I can't.

For example, Sunday I unintentionally double booked myself at 8am. I had one client in the chair and another called that she was there. I, uncharacteristically was very calm and everything worked out fantastic. I couldn't have planned it better myself. Both amazing beautiful outcomes in a very timely manner. I honestly believe God just threw it at me because he knew I could handle it. Then today when my client cancelled I was thankful for the break. God must've known I needed it.

Just know if you are in my chair at any given time it's in God's perfect plan 🙂

My friend Mandi and I have been running about 3 or 4 times a week and are now up to 5 miles. We are in the process of training for a half! So that is pretty amazing. 2 things off my goal list! I haven't been reading. I really just haven't found a book that catches my attention long enough… Help please!

My best friend Rach is about to join me for lunch and coffee 🙂

I'll leave you with this princess & SpiderMan.



It’s about time Mrs. Gallegos

It is almost Fall. This means schedules, goals, & routine. This will result in a much happier me.

It has been 5 months since I have written in my blog & quite a bit has happened. I'll use that as my excuse.

My friend over at(http://www.cooperjanedesign.blogspot.com)wrote a list of goals that inspired me to make a list of my own goals.

And we are off

1) Run 3x a week at least 2 miles every time

2) Run in another half sometime in the 2013-2014 school year. I am thinking the Rock and Roll Half

3) Do some sort of bible study, devotional, time with God 3x a week

4) Read a book… Any book

5) Make more time and have more energy for David

6) Write in my personal blog and my hair blog more

7) Start selling retail and having it on hand to share with my clients how important I think good Salon quality products are

8) Style my hair, even on the days I am -just- home. I can't seem to wear make up because my face is so sensitive. I need to do something to look pretty.

9) Drink a juice 1 a day 4x a week

10) Limit my phone usage while I'm hangin with my kids

One of my favorite blogs (http://jonesdesigncompany.com/) makes this awesome organizational kit for each month. In it is a section called 'Dalies' where I can keep in check all my goals.