On my birthday August 26 the day after V turned two months we went and had her portraits made and family portraits. I got a little frustrated bc she was not very happy and the girl said none of the pictures came out… Rude. We ended up having 3 great pictures; one of her and daddy, one of just her, and one family shot! It was so exciting ! Then we headed to get her shots. I fed her right when we got there and had her in the moby swaddle with her leg hanging out. She did so great and only cried for a minute. She has been perfectly fine ever since. We went to eat at Campanias with the fam for mine and Andrews birthday. Last night we had my mom and dad babysit and we had my mom and dad babysit so we could have an evening by ourselves. David is out of town for a week and then we are off to McAllen for a few days so V can see her other favorite Grandma, Grandmama G!


On Thursday I went to a mommy group at watermark community church. I really enjoyed talking to women who are in the same stage as me and who love to talk about their babies, the delivery, and their problems just as much as I do. As we went around the room sharing things we were thankful for and our prayer request, I realized just how truly blessed I am:
-a beautiful healthy baby
a great sleeper
a great eater
a wonderful husband who doesn’t want to put her down when he gets home from work
a husband who is always encouraging me to take time for myself
a husband who says “it’s okay that you don’t want to cook, clean, or anything right now.. Sometimes when I don’t want to program then I don’t!”
an awesome part time job that I love and a boss that really works to keep me more than happy and a boss that is such a good friend to me
a very helpful grandmama and grandpapa who take care of V when I work on Tues and willing to babysit whenever I need it
…and that is just to start

today was davids first full (11hrs) with V by herself. He showed me some things that maybe I need to start doing. For instance he brought out all if her toys and rattles and really took the time to work with her and play with her. He said she was a good baby and only fussed a little. He wants to have a date day with her… I think that’s so adorable.
