My -Week Day- Dream Job

On the weekends I have my dream job of making people beautiful. With that thought aside, during the week I often joke that my dream job would be sitting at Starbucks by myself, enjoying a nice warm cup of coffee with Cinnamon Dolce Syrup & Cream in that nice big Starbucks ‘for here’ cup that my hand fits perfectly inside. People watching and laughing to myself.

But today I have changed my mind. I am sitting in the privacy of my back yard. All of us in our swim suites soaking up some sun. I’m working (a little) and the kids are having a great time.

I wouldn’t trade today for anything. Thank you lord for the sunshine after the rain!

My Healthy Trip to The Lake

Thursday evening my mom and I headed out for our annual ‘Scrapbooking’ weekend. Honestly, my mom and I didn’t really do much except sit around and watch chick-filcks. It was GLORIOUS. In the midst of doing nothing my mom taught me a few tricks. She is doing a new wellness program where you are really conscious of the foods that you are putting into your body. I came home with a few tips:

Dairy Free Gluten Free French Toast
Gluten Free Bread soaked in unsweetened coconut/almond milk mixed with egg and lightly sprinkled with truvia and cinnamon =)

That all of the ‘Nut Thins’ are delicious especially dipped in classic hummus.

You can make ice cream by blending strawberries, coconut almond milk, ice, and vanilla in a vita mix.

Always pack in as many veggies into each meal that you can. Load up omelets with lots of veggies for a healthy start to your day.

A drink to have 3x a day to help keep you Kidneys healthy and your gut settled:
3/4 cup water 1/4 pure organic cranberry juice 1tbs apple cider vinegar 1tbs pure organic lemon juice


