Yesterday was a successful day. I managed to strike a few off my list
3) Read a book (that isn’t a girly gossip book)
The stuffed mushroom and wild rice pork tenderloin, steamed veggies, and brown rice turned out wonderful, if I do say so myself. David, as picky as he is, even enjoyed it. I made him a grilled cheese to fill him up a little more because he is a man =)
Yoga was awesome. I went to Hot Yoga at Sunstone Yoga. I was a little bummed because they changed the schedule. I thought it was a water class which is where there is no teacher talking but rather a cd that talks in a really subdued voice the lights are off and there are candles around the room. It ended up being an introductory class where they were introducing all of the students to Sunstone for their very first time. The teacher talked about yoga procedures. It was actually nice to hear because even after all the times I’ve been there some of the stuff I did not know. We did poses for the last 45 minutes and even in that short time it kicked my butt. I woke up super sore. It’s so funny being in that studio. For the first time I realized why I like yoga so much. It’s like an adult non-stage performing dance studio. I would much rather go to a class than do it on my own because I like for the teacher to watch and correct me. I always loved to have the teacher correct me when I was a dance student too.
When I got home David and I watched our favorite show SECRET LIFE OF AN AMERICAN TEENAGER and then I watched Make It or Break It…which is one of my favorites. We ended up staying up until 1AM which is fine because I am working from 1-8 so I can rest this morning, but it’s bad because I still have to take care of Valentine 😉 So I think I am going to try either cutting out some of my shows or recording them and either watching them on the weekends or during the day when Valentine is napping. I sleep way more now than I ever have in my life and I need to keep that up so that I stay healthy.
I am going to try this…don’t hold me to it because I’m not really counting on accomplishing this goal…i am starting small…between now and next Tuesday I am not going to have another Starbucks (I already had one this morning) I don’t think it’s really giving up the drink that is hard, but that is just something Valentine and I have done for a little outing. Kind of a break in the day. And don’t judge me either because it’s a $2.00 drink and that is like the only thing I spend money on.
Anyway tonight I am doing chicken breast, yellow and red bell peppers, and onions in the crock pot with steamed broccoli and some brown rice! This new cooking thing is so fun!