Playdate with Zach

We finally got together with one of our very favorite few people for a play date. V and Zach have the BEST time playing dress up, eating lunch, and jumping on the trampoline.
Not to mention…2.0 had the best time jumping on the trampoline. He was running in circles and giggling like crazy! I'm obsessed.


Getting Back to Our Routine

Yesterday was David's first day back to work since before Christmas. We very much enjoyed our time as a family, but were both ready to get back to a routine.

I was excited to get the house cleaned and caught up on the laundry. Aren't the things I look forward to as a S@HM so funny?! It's true though. I love serving my family!

I blocked off my living room and folded laundry all day. Believe it or not, the underwater on Valor's head was his idea 😉

I was still doing dishes from our NYE party because our dishwasher is broken. Whoah I do not love hand washing dishes. Psh first world problems.