The birth of my baby girl…

Tuesday, June 23
David went in for a half day of work and I went to pick him up so that he could show off his pregnant wife to his co-workers. I had the apartment all picked up and our bags packed for the hospital and rushed David out the door. We went to McKinney and rented some movies, bought the book “What to Expect the First Year”, and ate lunch at Spoons in Mckinney. We were both very excited to get to the hospital. After checking in at about 5:30 the nurses came in to start my medicine which would soften my cervix. David and I hung out all evening and went to bed pretty early. We both fit in the hospital bed so he slept with me. The nurse said that wasn’t something she’d seen before but it was cute.

Wednesday, June 24
The nurse came in and woke me up bright and early to start the pitocin that is designed to send me into labor. We sat around all day just waiting for something to happen. I had to go to the bathroom every 20 minutes because they were giving me so much saline it was obnoxious. 4 o’clock came along and I had not made any progress so the doctor gave me the option to break my water and then do the epidural or vis versa. I chose to get my epidural first and then get my water broken. I chose to get my epidural first because I thought I didn’t have a high pain tolerance. My mom brought me a mask to wear so that I didn’t have to see anything the anesthesiologist was doing. I just bent over, held on to the nurse, and didn’t feel anything. The doctor then came in and broke my water. It was pretty easy sailing from there. I just passed out while all the visitors were hanging out in the room. David had the entire process streamed online so all of our friends were watching. My contractions started being more frequent and by 2 am I had finally dilated to 10 cm!! Yay…the Doctor Heather Sloan was on her way. She came to my room and I pushed for about 30 minutes. It wasn’t too bad because I was so numbed up…but dun dun duhhhh there were some complications and they decided to do an emergency cesarean delivery. I freaked out a little bit on the inside because the entire time I thought the delivery was going to be a breeze just like my pregnancy, but Valentine had other thoughts in mind. I wore my mask again for the surgery and proud Daddy just talked with me the whole time to keep my mind off what they were doing.

Thursday, June 25
Valentine was born
Date: January 25, 2009
Time: 4 AM
Weight: 8.04 lbs
Height: 19 Inches

There were so many people there to greet our beautiful baby girl when she arrived despite the early morning hour.

Friday, June 26

Saturday, June 27

Sunday, June 28
We got to go home! I had the nurse show me how to give Valentine a bath and we got her dressed to go home.

I decided to not go home though because David was going into work on Monday for a little while and my mom was going to take Monday off to stay home with me.

On Sunday, my mom and dad let David and I sleep all night and took care of Valentine and just brought her in for the feedings. It was wonderful.

Monday, June 29
On Monday my mom and I

Tuesday, June 30
Her first doctors appointment at 2:40!!

a beautiful sunday

today was great.
david and i went to church and then rushed home to grab some chairs and a grill at the pool before everything was taken. we made some fajitas and sat around and talked all afternoon. i am so worn out (which is a good thing)
I am trying to make myself stay up until 12 so that I can sleep harder through the night…ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh