I love Mondays! It’s my grocery shopping day & who wouldn’t want to stare at these two kids lovin’ on each other?
Oh, I almost forget why I even wanted to write this post in the first place: I saw an episode of Rachael Raywhere they talked about the Farmers Market and how important it is to take your kids and explore all of the options. I thought ‘What a great learning time for my daughter and how valuable knowing about these types of foods would be for her future.” I mean it changes -me having to run errands and making them ride around in the car and put a bump in their day- to a fun field trip! Yesterday, I began to talk to her about all of the colors, texture, smell and names of the food. She is really into smell right now, although, I feel like everything I picked up didn’t really have a smell. This is all a learning experience for me as well. For example, I don’t really know what the green squash listed above is really called.
Well, this is why I love grocery shopping day now! I hope you enjoy grocery shopping as much as I do!
I run to Sprouts and then Kroger for my basic stuff because it’s right down the road! And since Albertson’s is right across the street from my Sprouts I can go there if they’re having a good sale on something… but Kurt throws away “junk mail” usually before I see what sales they’re having.
Was it zucchini?